Hi! 😺

I’m a tenure-track assistant professor at the Department of Computer Science at Aalborg University in Copenhagen. My main research studies how communication technologies, especially messaging apps, affect interpersonal relationships. I conduct empirical studies to understand how people adapt software to fit their communication needs and build prototypes that explore ways of providing them with richer control over their expression and relationship maintenance. I’m currently studying interoperability between messaging apps and exploring alternative software models to “apps” for online communication.

Previously, I was a post-doc researcher at the Department of Computer Science at Aarhus University, working with Susanne Bødker in the Collaboration & Computer-Human Interaction (CoCHI) team, as well as in the Department of Digital Design and Information Studies in Aarhus University with Clemens Klokmose. I also worked at the IIS Lab in The University of Tokyo with Koji Yatani. My defended my Ph.D. thesis “Designing for Ecosystems of Communication Apps” in 2018, which I did at Université Paris-Saclay and Inria under the supervision of Wendy Mackay. I’m an EIT Digital alumni from the Human-Computer Interaction and Design Master Program in Université Paris-Saclay and KTH. Before specializing on HCI, I studied Information Systems Engineering in Universidad Tecnológica Nacional in Buenos Aires, Argentina.